
Orphaned at an early age, T'kye Tia was 'adopted' by the Empire when he was three years old following an airship accident in the Shroud his family was caught in.

There, the Empire performed numerous experiments on his body and tried to manipulate his aether to turn him into a Super Weapon.
Nael van Darnus took him under his wing and trained him personally and essentially raised him as his own son.

A jack-of-all-trades, Ranulf climbed up the ranks to Legatus in training and soon found himself joining the others in leading the army in the Battle of Carteneau.

After witnessing the mass destruction and carnage, Ranulf fled and went into hiding, refusing to be responsible for any more deaths.
Since then, his life as a freelance mercenary has been fleeing from the Empire around every corner as they try to recruit him back into their ranks.

No matter what.


Having been forced to grow up at a young age, Ranulf comes off very cold and standoffish to strangers. He had to strip himself of everything he though was weak about him.

Brutally honest, things often go from his head to his mouth without any filter and that oftentimes rubs people the wrong way.

Despite his quiet nature and stoic demeanor, once someone is able to break through his walls, one would be very surprised to find a very caring and compassionate individual.

Ranulf loves with all his heart and wishes nothing but the best for his friends and family.

If there is someone lucky enough to earn his heart, he'll make sure they're the happiest person in all of Eorzea.


Ranulf's father was a Midlander Hyur named Zio Carraway. He was a Sky Pirate that primarily helped keep the skies clear of bandits allowing other countries to sell and trade with each other without fear of being shot down.

Armed with sharp wits and an even sharper tongue, Zio was a smooth talker, capable of entrancing any female or male into his arms.

His mother was a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te named T'lisa. Kind and gentle, she was a fledgling conjurer that poured her heart and soul into her magic and botany to tend the injured. She unfortunately was ousted from her tribe for falling in love with a Hyur, but Kan-e-Senna was kind enough to allow her to make Gridania her home.

The whereabouts of his parents are unknown at this time but they are presumed dead from the crash.

The only other surviving member of his family is his older sister, Juleah Carraway. She currently resides in Ishgard and works at the Skysteel Manufactory. She believes her brother is still alive and has searched for him non-stop.


Ranulf currently works as a freelance mercenary, earning his living wherever and however he can while remaining, for the most part, morally just.

Unfortunately, he knows that sometimes you need to make difficult decisions and he is no stranger to doing so.


During his stay with the Empire, Ranulf donned the name Caerulus von Aesalon, or the Cerulean Falcon. He was named this by those around him because of his speed and precision in taking down his enemies. Though despite doing so with such grace, his foes would crumble beneath his talons.

Upon his back was a double-bladed scythe named Elysium. On one end sat a blade of white to signify all that was just, pure, and good. A blade that embodied harmony and life.

Exact opposite of that was a blade of darkness as black as the void. Death, chaos, and discord given physical form.

Together Elysium would bring about equilibrium to all those who stood before him.

Elysium can be wielded as a double-bladed scythe or broken at the pole and swung around as a chain whip.

To this day forward, he still dons this uniform should there ever be an opportunity to raid a Garlean stronghold.

"Those who stand before me shall fall to the blades of equilibrium!"


I can be reached primarily on Discord. I also have two Twitter accounts, one is mainly OOC rambles and the other is NSFW.